Harry potter and the chamber of secrets pc game emulator
Harry potter and the chamber of secrets pc game emulator

harry potter and the chamber of secrets pc game emulator

She isn't seen very often because Harry doesn't have any Transfiguration classes.

harry potter and the chamber of secrets pc game emulator

Her classroom is located on the left side of the second floor.

  • Professor McGonagall (voiced by Ève Karpf), the Transfiguration teacher.
  • If Harry gets caught in the Slytherin common room while sneaking out, Snape shows up and expels him, and Harry will have to try again. Known for being unusually strict, he is usually to be found in the dungeons, near or in his classroom.
  • Professor Snape (voiced by Allan Corduner), the Potions master.
  • He also appears at the end of each day to announce the latest house point totals, and at the end of the year ceremony. While normally absent from a good part of the game, he features prominently in a cut scene in which he tells Harry that he does not think that Harry is the Heir of Slytherin.
  • Albus Dumbledore (voiced by Lewis MacLeod), the Headmaster of Hogwarts.
  • Myrtle Warren (voiced by Victoria Robinson), a ghost who haunts the first-floor girls' bathroom.
  • When Harry plays Quidditch against Slytherin, Malfoy will be the seeker. He can be seen at the House Point Ceremonies, and at the end of the year feast. He is also in the clips where Harry goes to Quidditich practise, and where Harry (in the figure of Goyle) is in the Slytherin Dungeon to talk with Draco.
  • Draco Malfoy (voiced by Lewis MacLeod), Harry's arch-rival.
  • They also set up the bean trading system seen throughout the school and grounds. They play as Beaters on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
  • Fred and George Weasley (voiced by Lewis MacLeod), twins, older brothers of Ron and Ginny.
  • Ginny Weasley (voiced by Victoria Robinson), Ron's little sister, who Harry has to rescue at the end of the game.
  • She is petrified toward the end of the game.
  • Hermione Granger (voiced by Emily Robison), Harry's other best friend, a brainy girl who also leads Harry to classes.
  • Ron Weasley (voiced by Greg Chillin), Harry's best friend, usually seen leading Harry to classes and challenges or to the Quidditch stadium, or in cut scenes.

  • Harry potter and the chamber of secrets pc game emulator